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Chocolate cake from cookies without baking and without gelatin

Chocolate cake from cookies without baking and without gelatin

The proposed chocolate cake made of cookies without baking and without gelatin is just a lifesaver for housewives when there is no time left for complex desserts. In addition, it is an ideal combination of the taste of chocolate cookies used as a base with cottage cheese cream, which holds its shape stably, despite the fact that it does not contain gelatin.

Chocolate cake from cookies without baking and without gelatin

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Servings: 4.

Calories: 323.


For the base of a chocolate cake (approximate weight – 1 kg):

  • shortbread cookies with cocoa – 170 g;
  • butter 82.5% – 50 g;
  • milk – 20-30 ml.

ingredients for the cake base

For the cream:

  • pasty cottage cheese (without grains) - 400 g;
  • sour cream – 100 g (natural yogurt is also suitable);
  • powdered sugar – 80 g;
  • vanillin – 1.5 g;
  • soft butter 82.5% – 150 g.

ingredients for the cream

For decoration:

  • chocolate – 50 g.

Pasty cottage cheese can be purchased at the store or prepared in advance from 2 liters of kefir, which were left in the freezer overnight.


If the cottage cheese is store-bought, then skip the first 4 points.

1. Freeze the kefir, and then release it from the packaging. Place the frozen kefir in a colander covered with 4 layers of gauze.

cooking cottage cheese - photo step 1

2. After defrosting, hang the nodule with the contents for 4 hours so that the serum can drain into a separate container.

cooking cottage cheese - photo step 2

3. To make the cottage cheese more dense, do not unfold it, but leave it under a slight yoke for another couple of hours.

cooking cottage cheese - photo step 3

4. Next, remove the most delicate pasty cottage cheese from the gauze – its weight is approximately 400 g. The resulting serum can be used for pancakes, pies, etc.

cottage cheese - photo step 4

5. Grind cookies in any convenient way.

crushed cookies - photo step 5

6. Add warmed butter to the cookie crumbs. Mix everything until smooth.

add butter to the liver - photo step 6

7. Next, pour in the milk. The structure of the base should become plastic, but at the same time easily disintegrate when pressed.

cake preparation - photo step 7

8. Line the sides of the mold with silicone strips or confectionery film. Form diameter: 18 cm. Compact the cookie base with a flat object. Put the workpiece in the refrigerator.

cake base - photo step 8

9. In the meantime, work on the cream. Combine cottage cheese with sour cream.

cream preparation - photo step 9

10. Stir everything with a blender until silky smooth.

cream preparation - photo step 10

11. Separately, beat soft butter with flavored vanilla and powdered sugar. You should get a light air mass.

cream preparation - photo step 11

12. Add half of the curd composition to it and turn on the mixer again.

cream preparation - photo step 12

13. After that, combine everything with the remaining cottage cheese.

cream preparation - photo step 13

14. Put the cream on the prepared sand cake.

making a cake without baking - photo step 14

15. Grate chocolate.

grated chocolate - photo step 15

16. Sprinkle them over the cake and send it back to the refrigerator.

Chocolate cake from cookies without baking and without gelatin

17. After 2 hours, remove the side film and you can brew tea.

Chocolate cake from cookies without baking and without gelatin

Such a quick-to–prepare chocolate cake made of cookies without baking and without gelatin can be varied by adding some berries to the cream - strawberries, cherries, raspberries.

Try it, bon appetit!

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