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Seaweed Salad with Eggs

Seaweed Salad with Eggs

A very useful, and also delicious salad of seaweed with eggs is prepared in a matter of minutes. You can use not only pickled cabbage, but also dried or frozen. Such a simple recipe will diversify your home menu, although you can also put the salad on the festive table, enriching the taste with crab sticks, cucumber or green peas.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Servings: 4.

Calories: 168.


  • pickled seaweed - 180 g (net weight without marinade);
  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • white onion - 30 g;
  • thick mayonnaise - 55 g;
  • salt, pepper - optional.


1. Prepare the list of ingredients for the seaweed salad with eggs. It's better to make mayonnaise yourself using olive oil, as seafood tastes especially good with this sauce.

2. Boil the eggs hard. This will take 8 minutes.

3. Drain the marinated seaweed in a strainer to remove any excess liquid.

4. Cut the onion into thin strips.

5. To soften its taste, pour boiling water over the sliced onion. This will make the onion milder and less sharp.

6. Place the seaweed in a deep bowl, and add the onion.

7. Cool the boiled eggs in cold water. Set aside 2 yolks for decorating the salad, and slice the remaining eggs into thin strips (the yolks won't hold their shape, but the egg whites will blend perfectly with the seaweed strips).

chopped boiled eggs - photo step 7

8. Add the eggs to the salad bowl.

cooking seaweed salad with eggs - photo step 8

9. Mix everything gently, being careful not to deform the slices.

cooking seaweed salad with eggs - photo step 9

10. Add mayonnaise and freshly ground pepper. This sauce will immediately give the salad a unique flavor.

cooking seaweed salad with eggs - photo step 10

11. Mix everything carefully again.

cooking seaweed salad with eggs - photo step 11

12. Grate the reserved yolks and use them to garnish the dish.

grated yolks - photo step 12

13. The seaweed salad with eggs is ready. In no time, you can prepare a healthy and delicious meal full of beneficial microelements. You can enjoy it with bread or serve it as a snack alongside any dishes. Try it and stay healthy!

Seaweed salad with eggs

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