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Megrelian Khachapuri

Megrelian Khachapuri

There are many varieties of khachapuri. Previously, we have already prepared Adjarian khachapuri, and today we will cook Megrelian khachapuri - a flatbread with a double filling of Suluguni cheese. Preparing it is very simple, because we just need to make the dough and combine it with the cheese filling. For a variety of Megrelian Khachapuri can be cooked even in a pan, but today we will work according to the classic recipe.

Cooking time: 180 minutes.

Servings: 3.

Calories: 269.

Cuisine: Georgian.


  • 330 g flour;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 80 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp sugar;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 8 g of loose yeast;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 300 g cheese "Suluguni".

Megrelian khachapuri ingredients


1. We heat the water to approximately 30-40 degrees. and pour yeast with sugar into it - this is dough for the future test. We leave it in a warm room for 15 minutes, after covering the container with cling film.

sponge dough - photo step 1

2. When a "cap" appears on the surface of the dough, you can start kneading the sponge dough. Pour warm milk into it, gradually sift the flour and salt. While the dough is liquid, we mix it with a fork, and when it starts to thicken, we knead it on the table. We put the dough in a bowl and let it stand warm for 1.5-2 hours. Don't forget to cover the bowl with plastic wrap so the top of the dough doesn't dry out.

dough - photo step 2

3. Traditionally, this recipe uses suluguni, you can try to cook Megrelian khachapuri with a different type of cheese. Suluguni rub through a grater with large holes.

grated cheese - photo step 3

4. Punch down the risen dough and divide in half. With a rolling pin we form a thin layer of dough with a thickness of 3-4 mm.

dough - photo step 4

5. Put a quarter of the grated cheese in the center of the rolled out dough. We rub a little solid butter on the cheese, which will give tenderness to the filling. If you are a green lover, you can mix the cheese with green onions, cilantro or parsley.

cooking megrelian khachapuri - photo step 5

6. We collect the edges of the dough together, forming the shape of khinkali, and pinch them on top. Try to connect the edges tightly so that the dough does not fall apart.

cooking megrelian khachapuri - photo step 6

7. We turn the workpiece with the assembled edges down and roll it into a layer. To release air from the filling, make a small hole in the center of the khachapuri. We shift the cake onto parchment. If you are afraid to tear the cake, then you can roll it out immediately on parchment.

cooking megrelian khachapuri - photo step 7

8. Lubricate khachapuri on top with raw egg yolk and generously sprinkle with cheese. Put parchment with khachapuri on a hot baking sheet. We bake a cake with cheese at 200 degrees. for 15-20 minutes, focusing on the appearance of a blush.

приготовление хачапури по-мегрельски - фото шаг 8

9. Similarly, we collect the second Megrelian khachapuri. Serve the cakes warm, cutting them into a triangle. Enjoy your meal!

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