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Печенье «Гусиные лапки» из творога

Cookies «Goose paws»

Cookies «Goose paws» from cottage cheese – so gently, at home is called a cookie familiar to us from childhood. The crispy crust and soft middle of baking is obtained by puff pastry and the addition of cottage cheese. A very simple cookie from the available ingredients, even a novice hostess can cook it. Cookies "Goose paws" are prepared quickly, and the output is quite a large amount.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Servings: 40.

Calories: 243.


  • flour - 300 g;
  • cottage cheese - 650 g;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • lemon zest - optional;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • butter - 200-230 g;
  • sugar - 150-200 g.


1. We prepare all products in advance. Butter must be very cold from the refrigerator. Sugar is not used in the dough, it serves only as a break-in.

Ingredients for Cookies Crow's paws - Photo Step 1

2. In a bowl, add the egg, salt, lemon zest to the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese can be ground through a sieve in advance.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 2

3. We combine all products with cottage cheese using a silicone spatula, you can also kill the mass with a blender. So the mass will turn out smooth and elastic, grains of cottage cheese will not be noticeable at all.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 3

4. Set aside the curd mass. We take a bowl with sifted flour in advance. Add baking powder and vanilla, gently mix all dry products with a spoon.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 4

5. We take out the butter from the refrigerator, it should be very chilled. Roll the butter into flour on all sides.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 5

6. Rub the butter on a coarse grater and rub it with flour.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 6

7. Add the curd mass to the bowl with flour and mix until smooth. At first it is more convenient to do this with a spoon, then with your hands. The dough turns out sticky enough to make it easier to knead it. Hands can be moistened with a small amount of vegetable oil.

dough - photo step 7

8. The dough must be well kneaded, but do not score with flour. Do not forget, also about the presence of butter, it should not get very hot from the heat of the hands, you need to work with the dough quickly. We form the finished dough into a ball and transfer it to the bag. We send it to the refrigerator for fifteen, twenty minutes to cool.

dough - photo step 8

9. Sprinkle the work surface with flour and lay out the third part of the dough. The rest of the mass is again put in the cold.

dough - photo step 9

10. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a thin layer three to five millimeters thick. Using a glass or a special punch, cut out circles from the dough. Diameter nine millimeters. Leave the circles on the work surface and put the rest of the dough in the refrigerator.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 10

11. We begin to form cookies, this must be done correctly. Don't forget that sugar is the stuffing. Pour sugar into a flat plate. We take the prepared circle of dough and put it on sugar with the bottom side, the one that touched the surface of the table. It is the bottom surface, since there is less flour on it and sugar will stick better. Press the dough well for more sugar to stick.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 11

12. Now the circle must be folded in half. The part with sugar should be inside. The semicircle of the dough is also well pressed into the sugar.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 12

13. We turn the semicircle of the dough in half again, the sugar should again be in the middle. We press down so that the workpiece does not open. Repeat the same with the rest of the test.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 13

14. As a result, we should get these cookie blanks. To make the baking look more like goose paws, the blanks can be cut with a knife as in the photo.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 14

15. A drawing can also be made with a fork. Both the fork and the knife must first be dipped in flour.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 15

16. Put the future cookies on a baking sheet with a small distance, since the cookies will increase in size during baking. Place the cookie on the parchment paper with the sugar-free side. The paper must be smeared with vegetable oil in advance.

cooking «Goose paws» cookies - photo step 16

17. Bake «Goose paws» at t-190 ° C, twenty, twenty-five minutes. Readiness must be checked with a toothpick or break one piece. This is what the cookie looks like without cuts.

Печенье «Гусиные лапки» из творога

18. And so with additional decoration with a knife and fork.

Cookies "Goose paws" from cottage cheese

19. In a short time, a large basket of cookies is ready.

Cookies "Goose paws" from cottage cheese

Fragrant pastry cookies «Goose paws» from cottage cheese goes well with milk. Also perfect for family tea parties. With such homemade cakes you can go to visit.

I recommend this cookie recipe.

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