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Pumpkin pancakes with sesame seeds

Pancakes are a huge field for experiments, very rarely they can be spoiled by adding any products, basically, delicious and unusual pancakes always turn out. If you, like me, love experiments in the kitchen, then I advise you to cook pumpkin pancakes with sesame seeds. I'm sure you haven't tried these pancakes yet. In appearance, they almost do not differ from ordinary pancakes, except that the color is a little brighter, but the taste is completely different, it is so rich, bright, and the aroma is simply amazing.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Servings: 5.

Calories: 134.


  • milk - 600 ml;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • wheat flour - 6 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp;
  • muscan pumpkin - 200 g;
  • sesame - 1 tbsp.


1. Prepare all the necessary products. It is better to use nutmeg pumpkin, it has a bright orange color with a slight pink tint. This pumpkin is the sweetest and is ideal for preparing sweet dishes.

ingredients for making pumpkin pancakes with sesame - photo step 1

2. Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater. The pumpkin is quite juicy, so when rubbed, it will release the juice, it is not necessary to express it.

grated pumpkin - photo step 2

3. Add sugar and an egg to the grated pumpkin. Stir.

cooking pumpkin pancakes - photo step 3

4. Add about half of the milk and stir well as well.

cooking pumpkin pancakes - photo step 4

5. Pour in all the flour, stir to remove all lumps. When there is not much liquid in the dough, then the lumps disperse well and quickly. Now the dough will be thick.

cooking pumpkin pancakes - photo step 5

6. Add sesame seeds. And now gradually start adding milk, bringing the dough to the desired consistency. The dough should be liquid, but viscous.

cooking pumpkin pancakes - photo step 6

7. Lastly, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, mix and leave the dough for 15 minutes, then the pancakes will fry better and turn out more tender.

cooking pumpkin pancakes - photo step 7

8. Preheat the pan, before frying the first pancake, you can slightly grease it with vegetable oil. Pour about ⅔ ladleful of batter into the bottom of the heated skillet. Fry a little longer than regular pancakes so that the pumpkin has time to cook.

cooking pumpkin pancakes - photo step 8

9. Pumpkin pancakes with sesame seeds are ready. Pancakes go very well with sour cream. Bon appetit.

Pumpkin pancakes with sesame seeds

Pumpkin pancakes with sesame seeds

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