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Хачапури по-аджарски

Adjarian khachapuri - a classic recipe

Adjarian Khachapuri is a famous dish of Georgian national cuisine. Delicious, hearty and fragrant pastries for the whole family for breakfast, as well as for the dearest guests. Prepared according to the classic Adjarian khachapuri recipe quickly and simply, from available products.

Cuisine: Georgian.

Cooking time: 100 minutes.

Servings: 2.

Calories: 258.


For dough:

  • warm water (36-38 ° C) -180 ml;
  • yeast (dry) - 5 g;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - ½ tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • suluguni cheese - 350-400 g;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • flour - ½ tbsp;
  • milk (water or cream) - 50 ml;
  • yolk - 2 pcs;
  • butter - 30 g.


1. We prepare the products according to the list for cooking according to the classic Adjarian khachapuri recipe.

products for cooking Adjarian khachapuri - photo step 1

2. For the sponge dough, the water should be warm. Add sugar and yeast to the water. We mix. Leave for ten minutes to activate the yeast.

ingredients for making dough - photo step 2

3. After ten minutes, the sponge dough had a good cap, which indicates that the yeast is of high quality, and you can work with it further.

sponge dough - photo step 3

4. Sift the flour into a large bowl, add salt and mix the dry ingredients well. Add the dough and knead the dough. First with a spatula.

dough preparation - photo step 4

5. Next, knead the dough for 5-7 minutes on the work surface.

dough preparation - photo step 5

6. Then add vegetable oil to the dough in two steps.

Adjarian khachapuri dough - photo step 6

7. The dough turned out soft and elastic. We roll it into a ball.

Adjarian khachapuri dough - photo step 7

8. Lubricate the bowl in the middle with vegetable oil, cover the dough with oil too and transfer the dough to a bowl to rise. Cover the bowl with cling film. And we send it to a warm place to rise. For such cases, I use the oven as a warm cabinet without drafts. Let the dough rest for one hour.

Adjarian khachapuri dough - photo step 8

9. Separate the protein from the yolk. Add the protein to the filling, and brush the khachapuri with yolk before putting it in the oven to bake.

Separate the protein from the yolk - photo step 9

10. We prepare products for the filling: suluguni cheese, one egg white, flour, milk.

products for filling Adjarian khachapuri - photo step 10

11. Rub the suluguni cheese on a coarse grater.

We rub suluguni cheese on a coarse grater - photo step 11

12. Add the rest of the products to it: protein, flour and milk. Mix well until smooth. If necessary, salt can be added to the filling to taste. We divide the cheese filling into two equal parts.

stuffing for Adjarian khachapuri - photo step 12

13. An hour passed and our dough came up perfectly.

Adjarian khachapuri dough - photo step 13

14. We also divide the dough into two equal parts.

Adjarian khachapuri dough - photo step 14

15. Without a rolling pin, we simply form round blanks with our hands. Put the cheese along the edge and wrap the cheese sides. We fasten the “ears” well, form a “boat”.

cooking Adjarian khachapuri - photo step 15

16. We fill the blanks with cheese filling. Lubricate the dough with yolk using a silicone brush.

cooking Adjarian khachapuri - photo step 16

17. While we are forming khachapuri, the oven is already warming up to the maximum temperature, for us it is t-250 ° С. We shift khachapuri onto a baking sheet heated in the oven. We send it to the oven and bake until golden brown, it took us 20 minutes.

Adjarian khachapuri cooking - photo step 17

18. After twenty minutes, we take out the ruddy khachapuri, make a recess in the filling and pour in one yolk.

cooking Adjarian khachapuri - photo step 18

19. Put khachapuri in the oven for a maximum of one minute.

Adjarian Khachapuri

20. Ready-made according to the classic Adjarian khachapuri recipe, flavored with pieces of butter.

Adjarian khachapuri

Our Adjarian khachapuris are ready, we serve them hot for breakfast or lunch. Enjoy your meal.

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