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Meringue roulade

Meringue roulade

Delicate, crumbling into hundreds of crispy crumbs that immediately dissolve in your mouth, the shell of this dessert is layered with curd cream, which turns this delicacy into an incomparable pleasure. Fresh seasonal berries greatly enhance this feeling. And making meringue roulade at home is actually very simple.

Meringue roulade

Cooking time: 90 minutes.

Servings: 6.

Calories: 162.

For cooking, we use a baking sheet measuring 30 x 32 cm.


  • chilled proteins - 130 g (these are 3-4 eggs);
  • powdered sugar - 180 g;
  • starch (corn starch is more suitable for desserts) - 10 g;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • vanillin - sachet.

meringue roll ingredients

Curd cream:

  • cottage cheese (only not fat-free) - 250 g;
  • chilled dairy cream (fat content 33% or higher) - 100 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 20 g;
  • fresh strawberries - 250 g.

meringue roll ingredients


1. Since the meringue is cooked relatively quickly, you can immediately turn on the oven (top and bottom heat) so that it reaches a temperature of 150 degrees, and cover the baking sheet with parchment with sides and then even grease the siliconized paper for safety with a very thin layer of vegetable oil.

preparation for cooking meringue roll - photo step 1

2. Place the proteins in a metal or glass container. Turn on the mixer at medium speed and wait for a light foam to appear.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 2

3. Add citric acid (it will eliminate the egg taste and also speed up the stabilization of the protein) and start pouring powdered sugar on a spoon.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 3

4. Gradually increase the mixer speed to maximum. Beat egg whites until they are firm and glossy (shiny). When the corollas are raised, the so-called "bird's beak" is formed, which is firmly fixed in its position and does not fall off. At the very end, add starch and turn on the mixer for another 10 seconds. If the proteins begin to delaminate and become dull, then the meringue will no longer work, so when whipping, you need to stop in time.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 4

5. Transfer the white glossy mass to a baking sheet. Flatten, put in the oven.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 5

6. After about 25 minutes, the meringue will be golden and can be removed from the oven. The top crust has become brittle and if you knock on it, it will make a dull sound.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 6

7. Cover the baked layer with clean parchment and turn it over.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 7

8. Gently peel off the paper. Let the meringue cool.

приготовление меренгового рулета в домашних условиях - фото шаг 8

9. In the meantime, rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve (required, otherwise the cream will not be so tender).

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 9

10. Add powder, dairy cream. A large amount of powdered sugar is not put into the cream, since the final taste should balance the sweet meringue and be in harmony with it.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 10

11. Beat the cream (about 2 minutes).

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 11

12. Release the strawberries from the stalk, then cut into cubes.

chopped strawberries - photo step 12

13. Spread the cream evenly over the meringue.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 13

14. Sprinkle cream with strawberry slices.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 14

15. We twist it into a roll, pushing it with the paper on which it lies. The top crust is cracking - as it should be.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 15

16. Wrap the meringue roulade in the same parchment and leave to stabilize in the refrigerator.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 16

17. After an hour, transfer the dessert to a dish, cut off the non-uniform protruding edges.

cooking meringue roll at home - photo step 17

18. Decorate the product with chocolate cobwebs, strawberries, mint leaves.

Meringue roll at home

Light and fresh, dissolving in the mouth and truly summer meringue roulade at home is even better than the store-bought counterpart, because it contains only natural ingredients and no preservatives. On a warm evening with a cup of hot drink, eating a piece of such a roll is a real pleasure, try it!

Meringue roulade

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