Meringue Roll at Home
The delicate, crumbly shell of this dessert, which crumbles into hundreds of crisp pieces that instantly dissolve in the mouth, is layered with a creamy cottage cheese filling that makes this treat an incomparable pleasure. Fresh seasonal berries greatly enhance this experience. And making a meringue roll at home is actually very simple.
Cooking time: 90 minutes.
Servings: 6.
Calories: 162.
For cooking, we use a baking sheet measuring 30 x 32 cm.
- chilled proteins - 130 g (these are 3-4 eggs);
- powdered sugar - 180 g;
- starch (corn starch is more suitable for desserts) - 10 g;
- citric acid - a pinch;
- vanillin - sachet.
Curd cream:
- cottage cheese (only not fat-free) - 250 g;
- chilled dairy cream (fat content 33% or higher) - 100 ml;
- powdered sugar - 20 g;
- fresh strawberries - 250 g.
1. Since the meringue cooks relatively quickly, preheat the oven to 150°C (top and bottom heat). Line a baking tray with parchment paper, making sure the sides are covered. Optionally, you can lightly grease the parchment with vegetable oil for extra assurance.
2. In a metal or glass bowl (which do not absorb fat, which could interfere with the whipping process), place the egg whites. Turn on the mixer to medium speed and wait for a light foam to form.
3. Add citric acid (it removes the eggy taste and speeds up protein stabilization) and begin to gradually add powdered sugar, one spoonful at a time.
4. Gradually increase the mixer speed to maximum. Whip the egg whites until they become firm and glossy. When you lift the whisk, a "bird's beak" should form, which remains in place and doesn’t droop. In the final stages, add cornstarch and mix for another 10 seconds. If the egg whites begin to separate and become matte, they have been over-beaten, and the meringue will not work, so stop at the right moment.
5. Transfer the glossy white mixture onto the baking tray. Smooth it out and place it in the oven.
6. After about 25 minutes, the meringue should become slightly golden, and you can remove it from the oven. The top should be brittle, and when you tap it, it should make a dull sound.
7. Cover the baked meringue with clean parchment paper and flip it over.
8. Carefully peel off the paper. Let the meringue cool.
9. In the meantime, sift the cottage cheese through a fine sieve (this is essential for a smooth cream).
10. Add powdered sugar and cream. Don’t add too much powdered sugar to the cream, as the final taste should balance the sweetness of the meringue and harmonize with it.
11. Whisk the cream for about 2 minutes.
12. Remove the stems from the strawberries and cut them into small cubes.
13. Evenly spread the cream onto the meringue.
14. Scatter the strawberry pieces on top.
15. Roll the meringue into a roll, using the parchment paper to help. The top crust will crack—that's perfectly normal.
16. Wrap the meringue roll in the same parchment and refrigerate it for stabilization.
17. After an hour, transfer the dessert to a plate and trim any uneven edges.
18. Decorate the meringue roll with chocolate webbing, strawberries, and mint leaves.
This light and fresh, melt-in-the-mouth meringue roll is a true summer delight that tastes even better than store-bought versions. Made with only natural ingredients and no preservatives, it's perfect for a warm evening paired with a hot drink. Enjoy a piece of this homemade meringue roll – it's truly a treat!